In today’s vending market cashless is a must have.
Why a combo vending machine coupled with cashless payment options is a home run for almost any type of business.
Watch your sales increase with a combo vending machine equipped with a credit card payment system. Not only will your customers have the ability to vend different snack, food or drink options, they will have the convenience of paying without cash. Credit card readers allow freedom from worrying whether your dollar bill will be accepted in the system or be kicked out. With a cashless vending machine there is no need to worry about having the correct change or the coins getting stuck or lost in the change machine.
Electronic payments are easy to track with our tracking software. You can log in and see how many transactions are going through your machine per day, week, or month. Web based account monitoring allows access anywhere you have access to the Internet. Even with your web enabled Smartphone! Cashless vending system options allow you to have a more flexible schedule and set your own hours by letting the machine do all the work.
Having a combo vending machine is great for almost any location and can become even more profitable for your business no matter how big or small with the cashless option.
In general, customers feel more comfortable knowing they are using a secure payment system from a reputable company and are more willing to swipe their credit card for vending purchases.
Give eVending a call today and let us help you find the perfect cashless combo vending machine for your location. We will get you started with our state of the art card reader.
Why a combo vending machine coupled with cashless payment options is a home run for almost any type of business.
Watch your sales increase with a combo vending machine equipped with a credit card payment system. Not only will your customers have the ability to vend different snack, food or drink options, they will have the convenience of paying without cash. Credit card readers allow freedom from worrying whether your dollar bill will be accepted in the system or be kicked out. With a cashless vending machine there is no need to worry about having the correct change or the coins getting stuck or lost in the change machine.
Electronic payments are easy to track with our tracking software. You can log in and see how many transactions are going through your machine per day, week, or month. Web based account monitoring allows access anywhere you have access to the Internet. Even with your web enabled Smartphone! Cashless vending system options allow you to have a more flexible schedule and set your own hours by letting the machine do all the work.
Having a combo vending machine is great for almost any location and can become even more profitable for your business no matter how big or small with the cashless option.
In general, customers feel more comfortable knowing they are using a secure payment system from a reputable company and are more willing to swipe their credit card for vending purchases.
Give eVending a call today and let us help you find the perfect cashless combo vending machine for your location. We will get you started with our state of the art card reader.