Virtually everyone can agree that kids today are not as healthy as they could be or as they were in years past. Mrs. Obama has taken it upon herself to right this wrong and help today’s kids make better choices when it comes to health and food. One sweeping change she hopes to make is the reduction of unhealthy food options for kids in schools and the promotion of healthier options. Vending machine companies are taking note and have begun offering healthy vending alternatives to junk food in their combo drink snack machines:
Replacing sodas with water:
One vending revolution change seen around the country in regards to vending machine products available on school property is the reduction in soda machines and the increase in those that dispense bottled water or low-sugar drinks.
Switching out junk for substance:
Another change the First Lady is hoping to make is replacing typical vending machine fare, which is often times junk food such as chips, with healthier food alternatives. For example, nuts or dried fruit can take the place of chips and dark chocolate, which is the healthier option when it comes to chocolate, can replace milk chocolate.
Vending machines cater to kids in schools, and in most cases, these kids will buy junk food if given the option. However, if only healthy options are offered on school property, or some healthy options are given in addition to unhealthy food choices, many kids will begin to eat healthier.