According to the Center for Disease Control, 69.2 percent of adults 20 years of age or older are overweight. Therefore, it is obvious America has a big problem with health and weight. Although eating habits regarding breakfast, lunch and dinner are the most important, what individuals snack on is also very key when trying to reduce weight. Therefore, learning how to choose good food out of a vending machine is a wise idea in order to maintain a healthy weight. Below is a list courtesy of Emily Saunders, a fitness trainer, of healthy vs unhealthy vending machine snacks:

Bad foods:
All snack cakes, cookies and chips are unhealthy snacks that should be avoided completely. This is due to the fact that this food will cause a spike in blood sugar. In addition, they contain empty calories, which leaves individuals feeling hungry again soon after consuming them. It is also important to not be fooled by foods that “look” healthy such as Fig Newtons or oatmeal cookies, because they are in reality just sugar filled cookies with no nutritional value.
Good foods:Look for sunflower seeds, beef jerky or bags of peanuts when trying to find healthy vending machine snacks. These food contain protein and will help individuals feel full longer. If individuals have to have something sweet, select a bag of peanut M&M’s, which contains both the sweet aspect and the protein element.
If you think you may buy vending machines and are interested in a vending machine combo, the above information about healthy vs unhealthy vending machine snacks is likely helpful.