eVending is always interested in new and unique ways of utilize vending technology, and a library system in Oklahoma has announced that they plan to launch a vending service that collects and vends library books outside of normal library hours.
This will be the nation’s first 24-hour automated library vending machine and is able to hold over 400 books, audiobooks and DVDs. In addition to dishing out good reads, these machines are also able to store up to 1,000 returned books and other items. In a time when libraries often lack to budget and funding for long operating hours and are frequently understaffed, library vending machines like these could provide a viable solution.
These library vending machines from EnvisionWare can also be used outside of library facilities to give people more access to books and media at other popular locations throughout a community. The size of these machines does make it a major installation, but it is still smaller than opening up an entire new branch of a library.
Vending, whether its for food and drinks like snack machines or any other service, are all about offering convenience and these new library vending machines definitely deliver!