Before getting too far into vending, like buying machines and product, we recommend securing locations. Locations are the foundation on which successful vending businesses are built. Vending locations provide you customers for your machines. The customers drive the types of machines you’ll need and the products you will sell. In this article we hope to educate and give you confidence to find spots for your vending machines. It is best to start small with just a few vending locations, so each location you secure is a win. You don’t need to get many of the biggest locations to be successful. Having locations that are really big can be overwhelming to a small vending service. Starting a vending business takes time. Patience is necessary in the beginning, but the payout from vending can be very helpful for earning extra income for vacations, college, retirement and other purchases. Learn about the importance of finding the right location below.
Do you know anyone that owns a business? If you are a little shy about asking permission to place your vending equipment we recommend asking people you already know. Starting off by asking friends or acquaintances to host your machine can be a great way to give your service credibility and important experience. Wherever you inquire about placing your machine, make sure that people actually come there.

Where do many people congregate or pass by? Where do people need quick affordable snacks? These are just a few of helpful to ask when considering where to place your vending machine. Shopping centers, waiting rooms, schools, car centers, and bowling alleys are some good places to consider placing vending equipment. Local businesses with an employee break room are popular vending locations as well. As a general note, blue collar workers usually purchase more from vending machines than white collar, men buy more than women and young people use machines more often than old.
Vending is not get rich quick business. It takes hard work to succeed in the vending industry, but it is rewarding to see your hard work pay off. Finding locations for your machines is an important first step when beginning your vending service. Once you have vending locations you can move on to purchasing the right machines and product for those locations.