Imagine walking up to a bank of combo drink snack machines, keying in your selection and then, instead of hunting for change, simply tapping your smartphone against the machine. Sound far-fetched? It’s actually one major possibility of vending’s future.
NFC-enabled phones — that is, phones capable of near field communication — are increasingly used for swapping contacts, exchanging data, and, now in Japan, paying for items vended by new, NFC-compatible machines. The first NFC vending machines have been installed in Tokyo, and allow Android users to approach a kiosk to shop for exclusive free and paid apps.
The NFC payment system makes a lot of sense. With the rise of digital payment systems like credit cards, debit and direct deposit, fewer and fewer people carry cash. Vending machine companies are already adapting to this trend by offering machines with credit card readers. Since most people always carry their phones, why not take advantage of this new convenience?
Savvy vending machine owners are always looking for new ways to expand their income and simplify their business lives. The next time you are ready to buy vending machines, come to us for cutting-edge equipment like a NFC payment system.