Vending machines for sale currently often feature great software that allows operators to monitor a multitude of operations their machines perform. From knowing how much revenue was made by the hour, how much of each product sold, any service issues that may have occurred and more, vending machines are becoming smarter and able to track more and more useful information. This data is extremely useful for vending operators, like any business person, and often helps to solve a lot of problems and make decisions.

The people that interact with vending machines and the facilities that they are located in often have anecdotal information that can be crucial to a successful vending service. As vending operators that have machines located anywhere people interact with them, you have to have a feel for how each of your locations operate, how the managers and owners you interact with feel or think about different things and how your customers go about their day-to-day business among other things.
While eVending loves the advances in technology that give vending operators a wealth of information to work with, keeping in touch with the people that interact with your machine is extremely important for a successful vending operation.