At the current time, vending machine companies say that 93% of all vending machines lack cashless options. But, that may change soon. A few of the reasons to go cashless in your future snack machines:

- More customers. Many people never carry cash. Allowing them to swipe a card instead means that they can always use your machines. Research indicates that sales increase by 30% when you add credit card readers to your machines.
- It’s a cleaner option. 94% of all dollar bills in the US carry some sort of pathogens.
- Less vulnerability to theft. Experts say that Americans lose billions of dollars in thefts of cash every year. Cashless vending is a safe and secure alternative.
- Convenience. When you buy vending machines that offer credit card readers and remote vending management, you can check your profits and inventory without having to physically visit your machine. Log on from home or on the go on your smart phone.
Are you in the market for new, upgraded options for your vending machines? Contact us to learn more about vending machine combo options, cashless vending and convenient remote monitoring systems.