As a vending machine company, we spend a lot of time talking about and reading about vending machines online. From news articles to instruction manuals and Tweets, we are constantly looking for great information and insights about snack machines, drink machines and more. Learn how social media affects vending businesses below.

On social media platforms, especially Twitter where you are more likely to see users share information about what they are doing that exact moment, most buzz about vending machines comes in the form of negative reviews. Complaining about vending machines distributing the wrong items, being broken or eating money without vending anything are among the most popular topics.
eVending has seen that Tweets and other social posts that you will see about vending machines are about remarkable vending machines. Machines that are either created for marketing campaigns so they are truly outrageous or out of the ordinary, or machines that deliver surprising satisfaction through product selection or new technology.
For vending operators, this means that many of your customers are more likely to complain about your vending services than they are to praise them. This is especially true if you don’t pay attention to your customers’ wants when it comes to machine technology or product offering. To avoid this, finding quality machines, keeping your products fresh and interesting, and staying on top of maintenance and servicing will help keep your machines talked about in a positive way.