Vending is all about convenience. Vending makes it easy for your customers to get what they want. Your customers will be attracted to your machine because what they want has found them! The vital role for you as a vendor is to figure out what vending machine products the public wants Like any business you will need to determine what products are in the highest demand from your target market. The following information in this article is from an Independent Vendors Association published booklet titled Vending the Right Way.
An important first step in determining which items to sell in your vending machine for your business is to consider your location’s demographic. What time of the day they will be around your machine? What is the age, gender, ethnicity and culture of the people that will be near your machine the most? Will they be there early in the morning? Will people be needing lunch or dinner there? There are no hardline rules for which gender or age will buy a specific item, but there are some general principles that can be helpful when stocking your vending machine. More women prefer diet drinks, candy, pastries, as well as low calorie/health conscious snacks. Men can gravitate toward salty snacks, snack cakes, chips, crackers and spicy flavors. In general, more younger people tend to prefer more non-chocolate candy items, “extreme” flavors like jalapeño, energy drinks and Mountain Dew.
Leaving a refreshment survey at your locations once in a while is a helpful way to engage your market to better understand what the vending machine product demand is. Preparation and research is helpful, but trial and error is also often times necessary when purchasing items to sell in your vending machine. Carefully keep track of what is selling and not selling from your machines so you can adjust accordingly. eVending is always here to help you with all your vending endeavors. If you have any questions or need assistance please do not hesitate to call us at 1-888-568-4896.